Elon Musk Says He’s Dying to Make Supersonic Electric Jets Using VTOL Technology

Nikhil orca
1 min readOct 11, 2021


In the wake of making electric vehicles and trucks and changing space investigation, very rich person head honcho Elon Musk seems to have focused on vertical lift electric planes. SEO Company Jaipur

He said he is “kicking the bucket” to make electric supersonic planes that would utilize vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) innovation. With Musk, known for taking unusual choices that at first appear to be too extraordinary, this ought not be astounding. Responsive Website Development India

He uncovered his craving to enter, or rather upset, the airplane business in a reaction to business person creator Peter H Diamandis, who had asked his supporters what they might want the Tesla and SpaceX CEO to “tackle” next.

At the point when Musk previously discussed electric vehicles, relatively few were persuaded about their attainability, basically because of innovative and business challenges. Then, at that point, Tesla occurred. He likewise upset space investigation with SpaceX, building reusable rockets.

“Elon Musk plays had a gigantic impact in changing installments, space investigation, vehicles, and efficient power energy reception. What industry do you need him to handle straightaway? My decision is avionics… What’s yours?” said Diamandis, the author of the XPRIZE Foundation.

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However Musk answered with his electric plane pitch, he additionally said adding more work will “make my cerebrum detonate”, utilizing emoticons for the last two words.

